Roland BRIDGE CAST Dual Bus Gaming Mixer | Professional Audio Streaming Interface and Mixer for Online Gamers | 32-Bit Hardware DSP | USB-C Windows and Mac Connectivity | XLR Input for Roland BRIDGE CAST Dual Bus Gaming Mixer | Professional Audio Streaming Interface and Mixer for Online Gamers | 32-Bit Hardware DSP | USB-C Windows and Mac Connectivity | XLR Input for Roland BRIDGE CAST Dual Bus Gaming Mixer | Professional Audio Streaming Interface and Mixer for Online Gamers | 32-Bit Hardware DSP | USB-C Windows and Mac Connectivity | XLR Input for,ローランドのゲーマー向けオーディオミキサー「BRIDGE CAST」実機がCES 2023で世界初公開。その見どころをチェックしてきた,Roland - BRIDGE CAST | Dual Bus Gaming Mixer, Roland BRIDGE CAST Dual Bus Gaming Mixer | Professional Audio Streaming Interface and Mixer for Online Gamers | 32-Bit Hardware DSP | ,Roland BRIDGE CAST X(ビデオ・キャプチャー機能搭載デュアルバス・ストリーミング・ミキサー)(ローランド)(ブリッジキャスト) |イケベ楽器店オンラインストア