Do someone know what this is? I can't find it in the search. So everytime i try to buy something this sign shows up and i cant click prohibited to buy. :
Do someone know what this is? I can't find it in the search. So everytime i try to buy something this sign shows up and i cant click prohibited to buy. :
Do someone know what this is? I can't find it in the search. So everytime i try to buy something this sign shows up and i cant click prohibited to buy. :,注意喚起】悪質な詐欺サイトにご注意ください – TOKAGEYA,楽天市場】KADOYA TSR-2 / ブラック カドヤ公式 楽天市場店 : KADOYA公式 楽天市場店,ちとせetc. 4/吉住渉 | 集英社 ― SHUEISHA ―,これからなにかを始めようと頑張っている人は Like people who try to start something from now 温かく見守っていきたいですね。 we would like to go easy on them. みんな最初は素人ですから。 Everyone is a beginner at first. 周りの声に負けないで自分の信念を貫